Thursday 30 January 2014

Mis-en-Scene Hurt Locker

The action is placed in an American forces war camp which is situated somewhere in Afghanistan, which means that the terrain must be very sandy and it also requires some middle-east desert worn mud houses and low skyscrapers. The men seem to be very sweaty and there isn't a single cloud in the sky which makes it easier for the audience to believe that these men are all alone stranded in the middle of the hostile desert.

Also because it's an army camp there should be US forces uniform and weaponry present. To make it seem even more genuine the producer makes the soldiers use bottled water which they use to spit out the tooth paste which indicates that there is no water coming out of the town's bathroom taps. When we leave the cool of the inside and venture into the very warm outside environment we see bigger US armaments such as Hums armed with high caliber weapons. This is once again done to make the viewer believe that this is a real army camp. 

There are also other uniforms present there, such as the Arabian trooper to whom our protagonist spoke to. Then we see the bomb defuse suit after the viewer understands that there is a car with a possible bomb in it. After that the enemies sniper appears wearing typical terrorist uniform with a masked face and an AKA-12 in his hands. This is done so that the viewer could feel instinctive hate to the antagonist which will get the audience on the American side and to make them feel sorry, worried and tense for the protagonist in the bomb defuse suit. To add oil to the fire the antagonist sniper lights the petrol tank in the bomb car which adds even further feeling of jeopardy.

Then the hero see's the bombs in the boot of the car. This is done so that we see his reaction to this sort of danger so that the producer get's a chance to  prove that the person in the bomb suit is the narratives hero. The car is very dusty and after the fire it looks in an even more sorry state. This was then performed so that the audience could see that the protagonist was facing real danger from the fire which decimated the car which would've blown up any time it liked, which creates jeopardy.

In the last scene we could see an explosion which indicates that the hero would've been easily have been killed in action by this car.