Thursday 13 February 2014

Sounds in Serenity Extract

At the start of the extract we can hear a powerful engine roaring as the space shuttle comes to settle on an alien land surface. Behind it we have the sounds of a guitar playing a quite cheerful tune which makes the atmosphere a bit more relaxed. Then  we switch to the ships interior where the commander is preparing to leave the safety of his ship and go on a 'job'. There is also then a clicking sound of the ships commander putting on his belt and him cocking and checking his pistol. Then other string instruments such as some viola's and a piano joining into the symphony with a couple high percussion beats.

The commander's voice is very calm with a tint of sarcasm which is contrasted with the girls quiet yet strong voice which is very serious. The commander greets the girl with the words 'Hello little one' which states that he's very sarcastic and patronizing. He says it in a voice that a parent might use to greet his/her child which doesn't make any sense because it seems that the commander and the girls brother don't go well together.

The music picks up pace when we see the 'mule', the yellow machine which the crew is riding, in the garage and ready to go. This is to create tension because what they're about to do is going to be quite dangerous and jeopardous. There is a loud clang as the commander drops his pistol into the box with many others which must make the audience jolt at the sound because the steady hum of the 'mule' was quite relaxed whilst this is a rigid and loud noise.

Thursday 6 February 2014

Mis-en-Scene of the Pod Race out of Star Wars

 The action takes place in an alien desert environment on planet that some may call third world planet. It looks a lot like the Grand Canyon with the same colour  scheme, reddish-yellow,  used and there are cliff edges and actual canyons in the film background. Within the canyons there are a lot of caves and obstacles such as massive pieces of cliff and general rubble.

The pods which Anakin and his opponents race across the terrain have a very rusty and dare I say steampunk look to them. But the rust and dust doesn't make them look any less cool since the two front engines are joined by what seems to be electrical lighting rope and the originality of the actual machines is incredible since it's like a Roman chariot with the only difference that it has some anti gravity thing instead of the wheels and the horses are substituted by two engines which look as if they came from a superjet. The pods also come in different shapes and sizes which makes them and their design even more unpredictable and interesting.

The cockpit of such a pod looks very complicated and they even bothered creating alien symbols to indicate that this isn't our universe at all. Then we have the tribunes. They look very dusty and not made for comfort since the people who came to see the pod race have to stand outside in the blazing sun with no shelter. Yet however they still seem to be filled to the brim with people who came to see the match. They all dress in the same quite dirty looking clothing which are either white or brown. The commentators cabin looks more like a bunker than what it was meant to be and we don't see much new sound transmitting tech in there. No we see a some basic screens and a very basic microphone.

We also see how dangerous this race is after the antagonists pod crashes and he was lucky to survive the crash. 


Hello everyone.
My class discovered a new piece of online presentation software called Prezi. I've made already something on QI and what it is about. Check it out!