Monday 25 November 2013

Comparitive Assignment (work in progress)


Mavis by Vivadou 1920
I chose this image because it's styled in art nouveau, which all the other images don't have. It contrasts with my other two texts because it has a lot of movement in the shot and it has a lot of cool colors; which are used to show the darkness of the night and to highlight the perfume bottle, the dress and the writing,  whilst the Moon Drop's is a black and white photograph and Pink has a lot of warm colors. 

 There are a lot of cool colors in the background which gives the picture a relaxed feel, which gives contrast to the warmly colored bottles in the bottom part of the image and the warm and original writing in the top part of the screen. There is also a yellow blanket

Friday 22 November 2013

The IT Crowd

The IT Crowd is a comedy which used to be shown on Channel 4. It is about people, who are slightly abnormal, working in the IT department of some company, what it creates is left a mystery for us. There are three main characters; Moss, the classic nerd, Roy, a person who didn't turn into a man and stayed as a teen, Jen, the person who is meant to be the boss of the IT department who doesn't know the difference between a monitor and a keyboard.

The viewer starts to grow a relationship with these characters because of the mistakes they make and how they get into silly situations. For example in the episode 'Friend Face', an analogy of the modern Facebook, allows the characters to meet their old friends, and 'weirdos', which gets all of them into trouble.

In the 'IT Crowd' some hard language is used, for example the word 'bitch', however they are used in such a way that the viewer doesn't really notice what has just been said because the word is either said in such a way that makes it funny or the situation where it is used it very awkward or hilarious.

We also, from the first minute, understand the characters personality. For example Moss is very conserved and tight and finds it hard, and he just doesn't want it, to make relations with anyone further than a person from his IT department or his mother. He always is wearing a tie, shirt and trousers that sometimes don't match with the rest of his clothing. He has 'crazy' bushy hair that no one in his right mind will dare to wear and he sometimes doesn't understand when to lie and when to speak the truth, and some of his exaggerations are a bit over the top which always marks a lie.

We then have Roy, a character who just couldn't leave his teenage time and become serious. He normally wears clothing that a teenager would normally wear and he's always lazy, so lazy in fact that he doesn't even bother answering phone calls from the people in the company who are having technical issues and if he does he asks question such as 'are you sure you plugged it in' and when the answer is a positive one he just says that he will send someone out, maybe. Like Moss he can't make any proper relations and always gets into trouble.

Jen is the head of the IT department but computers to her are the same are as confusing as the binary code they're working on. She like all of her colleagues  is having problems with relationships and because of her position about which she doesn't know anything, things could get awkward and for the viewers hilarious.

Thursday 7 November 2013

Comparative Assignement Introduction and 5 bullet points

This is a diagram of the essay which we'll have to write, just a couple of key points and the introduction to the images.

1920 Vivadou by Mavis

For my 1920 text I chose Mavis Vivadou because it is an art nouveau print, which were very popular at that time and it was very different to all other adverts I chose because it is exotic and dare I say, secretive.
  • It is based in the middle east if you look at the fact that the woman is wearing harem pants
  • It is night time which reminds you of classic stories such as 1001 Nights
  • The two characters in the print look like they're dancing and the man is lifting the woman up as if they were doing ballet
  • There are two lamps in the middle of the sky, which is representing dreams in this setup
  • Art Nouveau
  • The font is in with the style of art nouveau

1970 Moon Drops by Revlon
This is a black and white print advertising a perfume that has the name of Moon Drops. I chose this ad because It is very different to Mavis, since it hasn't got any movement at all in the photo, and to my Pink ad because this woman is looking very formal and well off. 

  • The woman is wearing white clothes which are well suited with the 'Moon' part of the name
  • It has a black background to contrast with the white dress
  • It is a white and black picture
  • The model is wearing a white dress with a scarf and simple silver jewelry which were very popular at that time
  • The name of the fragrance uses font which is made out of capitals and looks like it could've been carved in rock, however the text above it is smaller and has lower case letters in it.

Present Time, Joy of Pink by Lacoste
Lacoste is a sportswear brand that made a perfume and a moving image advertisement for it that was filmed in Buenos Aries, see the link to the left of  the image. I chose this ad because unlike the other two, there wasn't much special in these characters, except for their looks of course, because they didn't have expensive jewelry and exotic harem pants. It was just a couple of friends 'hanging out' and a miracle happening to them.

  • Friends from middle class of the society
  • Early morning city with a lot of light limestone buildings
  • Miracle of ribbons that happens to fall from the clear sky
  • A car with no roof so that we could see more of the image
  • The music is fast paced which matches with the target markets music preferences today, which is young women