Sunday 1 December 2013

Hot Fuzz Analysis

From this extract we understand that this is an action and adventure film because of the characters we see in the film. Nic Angel is clearly a hero because we see him being cool and calm when he arrives at the ‘hive’, the village, where all the villains are living. We see him arrive on a white horse, which is very unusual in real life, and white is normally the colour of the hero and this also creates a parody on the boss battle in Westerns, where just like here the hero arrives on a horse and challenges the villain to a battle. We see that the villains are shocked to see Nic come, because only a fool would come to a place where he knows that he’s going to get brutally killed and, they think, would come out in one piece. During this time Nic looks very calm and casual, which he shows by slowly spitting out the tooth pick, which strengthens the feeling of a Western parody, and waits for the villains to make the first move because he didn’t come to kill them but he knows that they’re not going to give up easily so he’s ready for them. Nic’s future sidekick looks also very gobsmacked when he sees him, but then soon he joins him and, like in many Westerns, Nick isn’t all alone now against the hive. When the villains come back to their senses they look very angry and they want to kill Nic as fast as they can which makes them look very ugly and we feel sorry for Nic who has to face the lot of them. This is a hybrid because, even though the scene is different, it has a western feel to it, like the toothpick, however it also has some elements of modern shoot em’ all films with the modern shot guns and assault rifles.
We Nic Angel being very creative and tactical by using a group of local teenagers, who the villains couldn’t have shot, to cover the surveillance cameras, so that he could walk undetected until he wanted to be uncovered, and to help him out in the tight spots, like when he sent the teens to drag the woman with the rifle away from the window. This contrasts highly with the villain’s tactics, which is basically to stand in the open, shoot as much as they can at the target and have no tactics. Nic also shoots not to kill but to indirectly injure his attackers, like when he shot the flower basket which hit the woman on the head and where he shot a trucks tyre so that all of the heavy barrels rolled onto his attacker. This is made to increase the contrast between his and the villains plans. All they want to do is kill him whilst he wants to bring them in. Like all heroes, Nick gets a sidekick, who knocks over the vicious woman on the bicycle duel welding two pistols, which demonstrates that he’s on Nic’s side and ready to be his sidekick.

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