Thursday 1 May 2014

Spiderman Extract Analysis

Spider Man is a classic superhero protagonist who is just a boy who's uncle is killed by a car high jacker who had a gun and so the protagonist decides to catch the murderer using his superhuman abilities which as the name states are very similar to the ones of a spider. There are many action and adventure elements featured in this clip but the main one is speed and motion as Spider Man is about to chase a man getting away in a car across the rooftops. There are also other elements such as jeopardy. For example he climbed vertical skyscrapers and shoot web from his hands so that he could swing from one building to another. However he is just learning how to control and use his powers as all what he is doing is new to him which express incredible determination and bravery from his side. This is done so that a bond grows between him and the audience as the director wants to make it clear that he is the protagonist of this movie.

To make shots of Spider Man climbing the building a high angle far shot was used so with a bit of a tilt so that the audience is disorientated by the height and grow respect for Spider Man who climbs the walls without much effort. The camera crew also use a hand held shot whilst the protagonist is running across the roof tops so that the audience could then see how unstable he is and how quickly and vigorously he is chasing the killer of his uncle.

In this extract there is a lot of fast paced music as the protagonist is constantly running and the music also gets loud to make the tension higher as the audience gapes in awe as Spider Man does what no regular person should do. The music also enhances the spectacle by slowing down and lowering the pitch just before Spider Man makes a web swing from one tall building to another across a very wide avenue.


1 comment:

  1. Grade B
    Start by defining the genre of the exam extract in one sentence. Develop the answer on narrative alone for q.1.
    Fairly good section on narrative (first paragraph) but go into more detail about the chase and about why Spiderman's actions show jeopardy.
