Thursday 19 September 2013


Lara Croft was used by Lucozade because she was an icon of energy and she didn't get into any trouble, which happened earlier with Thompson. Originally, Lucozade was  drink for the ill and it was a health tonic, but after the war has ended people got healthier and there was no more need for health tonics, so Lucozade decided to find another market niche and they decided to make a drink for the healthy, energy drinks that refreshes and powers. But those drinks weren't very popular because they were new to the market, so   Lucozade decided to make their drink more popular by investing a large amount into advertisement.

So they went to a company that made advertisements and they thought that Lara was the strongest contestant for the script. So they decided to make a classic scene with Lara running away from some baddies, but as the video goes on her energy bar is dropping, so at the edge of the cliff she enters her backpack 'inventory' and scrolls through cola, chocolate bar and then she picks the Lucozade which allows her to evade the dogs by some cool moves and show off the drink that has just saved her life. At that time this animation, which has been edited by the forces of an Australian animation team and the company head quarters for three months because at that time animation was new.

In conclusion, Lucozade created one of the first animated ads, aimed mostly at the men and saved itself from bankruptcy.

Thursday 12 September 2013


 This add was made by Coca Cola in 1971 after the Vietnam war and in the middle of the cold war. Here Coke uses the "Harmony" as a musical type and a peace harmony. The "Real Thing" comes from the second world war when American soldiers got coke even in Europe, from the new bottling plants the government has built for this purpose.

By seeing the shape of the bottle and drink the refreshing drink they drank at home, people were reassured and felt less lonely. The real thing from America was always in reach and Coca Cola still makes new bottling plants all over the world.

Coke also uses people from all races and countries to show that all around the world people are drinking Coca Cola and that you should drink it also.

Also this advert shows that all of these people who are very different stand together in in harmony and the thing that they all share is that bottle of coke which they are holding. So coke shows that it's a great company that managed to bring all of these people together in a friendship like no other.

The company also uses a song which has a good chorus so that people will remember their advert.

In conclusion I think that Coca Cola used smart advertising techniques to create an image of them giving this drink that will help the world be one and harmonious.

Here's a link through which you could see the video:
Hilltop Advert Link

Tuesday 10 September 2013

This is my prep on different camera angles which we were set.

Establishing shot, is normally used to show the viewer where the action is taking place. For example in the picture to the right of this text a large and modern city is shown, which tells us that the action will take place in an urban environment.

Two shot is used to show the reaction of both  characters at the same time. Here we see that one of the characters stares coolly at the other whilst he stares back with a sense of question in his glare.


This is a point of view shot which  is used to make the viewers see what the character see's.

Monday 9 September 2013


Hello world!
This is my first media homework, to create a blog and a post about the first media lesson.

We were told by our teacher that media is a subject that always progresses forward and unlike other subjects like maths and geography, which change very slightly over time, media always changes because people on Earth create new software and  get new ideas for sharing information.

We were also told that we will be studying different camera angles,  types of media and we are going to  study some media software.