Wednesday 16 October 2013

Comparison of how Women and Children are Represented in Fragrance Advertisement

I chose these texts because I thought that we had to make an essay on perfumes and and analyse the ads, but actually we had to just post the pictures, so now I feel a bit stupid. :-(

Mavis, 1920 Perfume

This advert tell us that if you buy this perfume your life will be filled with an exotic dream. If you look at the woman's clothing you could see that they come from Arabia which has romantic stories roaming it such as Ali Baba. This text has a lot of movement in it and dance like movements. So here is another message in this text 'if you want to be artistic and beautiful buy Mavis'.

This is 1920 New York, which was different from the European society because women were a bit more free and didn't wear very formal clothing. This is thought to be glamorous and exotic in the USA. In addition, this clothing was probably worn to a ball and was made to impress and make envious other women. This woman also has her hair packed tightly in a bundle behind her head which was fashionable at that time and which also made her head contrast with her lower body. This print also captures the movement of the woman trying which adds interest to it.

This advert is different to my other two because it shows lust and it shows a woman from a higher class whilst the other two are showing people living their everyday lives but with a pinch of difference, coming from a perfume. As mentioned before the clothing that the woman is wearing is very exotic and would be worn today only for a fancy dress party. The packaging and the bottle also look very beautiful and exotic, just like the woman and the bottle color matches the little wool puffs on her shoes and the writing below the picture.

The basic message of this advertisement is 'Buy Mavis and have prestigious men chasing after you.' because marriage at that time was the only thing that made women have an enjoyable life.

1970 Hoyt's German Cologne

I chose this advert for my 1970 perfume because it shows a child and might be refered to as 'cute'. This advert shows a child cuddling what looks like a puppy which seems to be the same size, which might represent age, as the child. The child seems to be very clean and might not have come from a very rich family because he is wearing a simple white tunic, another representation of cleanliness, and he is playing with the puppy on the floor which wouldn't have been allowed in richer families.

Around the child there is a lot of text which tells us what the perfume has in it and what it will smell like. The text is a bit faint and written in different fonts and sizes so that the main image wouldn't be spoiled and so that it would look a bit more interesting.

Here the basic message of the advert is "Buy Hoyt's and be as clean and beautiful as the child who we show to you here!" This text looks very relaxed, warm and homely which will make you want the same at your home. The child looks like one of the Greek statues which were normally very good looking and with curly hair. A person would want to see such a scene at home when they come back after a long hard day at work and to just relax in the safety of their house.

This advert is very different to my 1920's one because instead of this dark and velvety darkness of sin and lust this is a very clean and pure image for an advertisement. Even though the picture might not be as complicated and rich of details as the first one it makes up in writing and text descriptions.

2010 Lacoste Joy of  Pink Advert

As mentioned before this advert is about normal mid-classed people. The advert shows three friends join out for a ride in their car, and everything looks normal, until pink ribbons start falling from the sky and into their convertible car, because one of the women was wearing her perfume.

To make this perfume popular the company used normal everyday, but good looking, people because they were their target market. Their message was 'Buy this perfume and enjoy miracles everyday!'

As in the 1970's advert everything is pure and clean which happens in a city in the morning, the very start of the clear day, and happens in a city where a lot of the building are made out of limestone which is very clean and new.

The name Pink makes us think straight away about women and a perfect gift for them in the festive season. So here is another message aimed at men: 'If you want to see your women look like the ones we showed you buy our perfume!'

1 comment:

  1. Don't feel bad / sad, as you have to do both (but in separate preps). One was prep on the bullet points, introductory sentence, topic sentences due in today 06.11.13. This ground work is needed to enable you to do a better analysis.

    Your 3 choices make strong contrasts but I don't think that the Hoyts is as late as the 1930s. You are starting to make some analytical points but there is some muddled thinking. For example, why mention miracles in the Lacoste and lust in the Mavis?
    Grade C
