Tuesday 11 November 2014

Updated version of Production Log

George Zenin                                                B324                        CLAREMONT FAN COURT: 64680

 Production Log:
17/09/2014 | PLANNING | THE BRIEF
09/09/2014 | RESEARCH | THE ART OF THE TITLE: The Detectives French TV series
10/09/2014 | RESEARCH | THE ART OF THE TITLE: Sherlock Holmes 2009 by Warner Brothers
15/10/2014| PLANNING   | PRODUCTION COMPANY NAME: Burnt Bridge Productions
09/09/2014 |  PLANNING | TREATMENT

I am working in a group of three pupils: Milo Mulvaugh and Hamza Syed. We have decided to pick 7 (video), the opening to the new film including titles, in any genre or mix of genres such as comedy or thriller together with a storyboard. Maximum length: 3 minutes.

In today’s lesson we have thought about the genre of our intro and some of the characters that will be in it. After some time we have decided that our genre will be a steam punk based thriller with 6 actors playing the roles of the 4 victims, the detective and the murderer. We also decided that the key point in our text will be a lake in which the murderer disposes of his victims and which serves as a link to other worlds, since we decided to include the multiverse theory as another point in our film, for which we already planned a couple of locations such as Virginia Water. Because the whole movie is based on steam punk, we decided to use some sepia/ monochromatic filter for some of the sequences to give it a more Victorian feel. We also thought about the font that we are going to use. We believe it would’ve been best if we use a handwritten like font which is tilted and written on a yellowy piece of paper.   

1.     Today we watched the intro sequence of a crime drama television show on The Art of the Title. We knew that it would be based on a modern crime drama motif because we saw that the first couple of slides were very dark and gloomy, which they did using a dark blue filter. When we started watching the actual clip we noticed that the clip was very short, which is because the studio wanted to start the actual episode as quickly as possible so that they don’t keep people waiting. We also noticed that the music had a fast pace to it which promised action and excitement to the audience.
In addition, I saw that some of the CGI looked as if it was we were looking through the eye of one of the detectives because we got a red pencil arrow going towards the doors and cars of every detective and we also have something that looks like a CSI computer interface that shows the names and roles of each character that we’ll meet during the series.

This is typical for series such as this, as we see it in other TV such as friends and how I met your mother.
2. Today we watched the intro sequence to the Sherlock Holmes movie which was created in 2009 by Warner Brothers. From the first couple of slides which we see before the actual text starts we could already see that this movie will have a lot of drama in it because we see a lot of conflict, e.g. Sherlock and Watson aiming their pistols somewhere, spectacle, an example of which we could see in the slide when a person is flying backwards from an explosion, and mystery which we can see from a close up of the faces of Dr Watson and Holmes.
We could also see that this is based in the Victorian time from the type of font that is used. It’s a cursive handwritten with a quill, which we could see from the slight slant of the writing which has different thickness at different points. We could also see some ineligible notes at the bottom of the slide which look like they have been part of a letter once which was the only way of communicating during that time. This is used to emphasize that this is during the reign of Queen Victoria.
Also we see the real moving image transfer into a still image and then into sepia sketch or photograph which is like watching the photographic cameras which were used during those times. However, it may as well be an ink wash drawing because we see ink blots and splatters. CGI was used so that they morph through different cycles of photography. They also look faded and mildewed which makes it seem like the story that is being told came from a long time ago. 
In addition, we know that this is going to be a crime detective, action and adventure movie because we have some conventions such as; drama, which we could see from the slide which has a winking woman who looks like she’s up to no good, and we have conflict, which we see when Holmes is fighting a man with mallet whilst he’s wielding a small hammer, and we see adventure when Holmes is flying through the air after an explosion.  


Today we joined into groups and discussed of what we may do for our projects. We started to develop roles within the group and the plot points that we may use. I also showed my skill as a 3D animator when I showed an animated film company logo.
Today during the lesson we discussed actors, props and equipment that we may use. Because we figured out the plotline over Skype in the evening we decided that we needed four actors to be the victims, because anymore would be just silly, a detective, which will be me, a murderer, who we decided will be a girl so that it will be more unexpected. We decided that we are also going to bring some equipment such as: cameras, tripods, microphone, etc. We also decided that all of us are going to invest into costumes, as one of our key themes is going to be steam-punk, and into accessories such as a monocle and BB pistols.
Today we decided to research our genre, which is going to be thriller. We knew that we had to collect material from other movies that were made in that genre. For that we decided to use a piece of internet software called Scoop.it which is basically a search engine that creates a database on what you need, for us being past thrillers. Thus we can gain some ideas of what we’ll need to do in order to compete with other film production companies. 
Today we discussed the final costumes the two main characters are going to wear and the soundtrack. Milo found a lot of items of clothing that really suited the theme of steam punk so we decided that we’ll order those things and split the costs. He also has an aunt who has a lot of things which are dated quite far back into the past that she wouldn’t mind us using.
Because Milo is the only one who is doing music we let him find the soundtrack that he thought would suite our clip the most. He presented us with Everybody wants to rule the world by Lorde and some anonymous music from the Victorian era. He wanted to use both pieces but I noted that our clip can only last for 3 minutes so in the end we decided that we will use only Lorde’s song.
We needed to research how our entry credits will look like, because this will set the pace and image of the film. For inspiration we decided to research what has been used in existing past films and for that we decided to go to a website called the Art of the Title as it has entry sequences from hundreds of film titles which can be useful to our cause. We looked at Agatha Christie’s Poirot movie entry sequence as we wanted our movie to also look quite old and which can be related to Victorian Britain/America. Poirot featured a nice big font at the end that could be used by us as it had a detective code in it as it was big and in capital letter. The only thing that would need changing here is the size as we don’t want it dominating the image sequence. 
15/10/2014|COMPANY NAME
We thought of a company name quite early on when we started the project, since I created the introduction animation and I needed something that would be quite punchy and easy to remember. I came up with two names; Blue Wolf entertainment and Burnt Bridge production. We discussed with the group which name would be best and decided on Burnt Bridge Production because it fit in with our companies ethos.

·         The Detective: GEORGE HOLDING 23
A tall young man with narrow eyes and sharp nose indicate that this man doesn’t trust anyone and is sly and of high intellect.

·         The Murderer: JENNIFER ELIAS 25
Like the detective she’s tall but slightly older than him which shows because her face is slightly more rounded. She has almost raven wing hair which indicates to her dark personality.

 During today’s lesson we discussed the order of shots that we are going to take because we had a bit of confusion within the group about the current plan of action but then we sorted it out and almost completed the shot plan.





 (to be completed after the filming)

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