Friday 13 February 2015

Practice Exam Question; X-Men: Days of the Future Past

1.       The extract fits into the adventure genre because it has spectacle in it since we see epic visual effects and see everything in a way we never saw anything happen before. We see Quicksilver travel at such great speeds that the time around him slowed down, which allowed him to save his friends in an a childish-like, but effective way. This tells us that this can also be an action and adventure sci-fi hybrid. For example when he runs on the walls whilst moving bullets that were fired from the guards guns in order to save his friends.

In addition; we see other elements of for example Quicksilver are a typical action and adventure protagonist. This is because we see him being very skilled in the art of fighting with his gift, which he mastered so much that he seems to be simply playing and messing around with the objects around him, which seemed to slow to in time due to his high speeds. Also the cause for which he uses is superpowers is for the good of his friends, which shows that he’s a classic case of an AA protagonist. We also know that even one of the greatest protagonists Wolverine compliments him on his skills, whilst he saw some amazing superpowers and skills in his life.

2.       Soundtrack:
Irony is created when Quicksilver turns on the song ‘If I could put time in a bottle’, which is about how a person wished he had more time, whilst Quicksilver could simply stop time around him and have all the time he needs not to only do the essential things to save his friends, but also do some other small and random things like taking off the guards cap and placing it on his own head. This makes the whole scene ironical and comical.


There’s a lot of CGI involved in this scene, because humans can’t travel at the such great speeds and even if they did we won’t be able to see everything from such a perspective in which 

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