Tuesday 21 April 2015


    One of the main audience pleasure in the IT is the repeated showing of classic and well known stereotypes such as the geeks, shown in form of Moss and Roy plus the audience enjoys the awkward and unique situations they get Jen into, who is their boss but has no idea about the ins and outs of technology but still tries to operate the IT department to her best ability.

Moss is a character which shows everything which we think nerds are. He's very defensive about himself, which we see in his physical representation; for example the shirt which he always buttons up fully, and he always tries to have some control over the events which happen in his life, which is shown by him trying to take care of his hair but not being to be able to do even that simple task as he has a massive afro! He's also a genius when it comes to technology, however when he tries to communicate with anything which doesn't have things like a CPU or a keyboard he's hopeless. This is due to the fact that he can't lie to anyone, which we see from the time when Jen asks him to pretend to be her husband for her school's reunion, which in the end turns into a failure, because Moss has no idea of how to be anything like a husband and simply tries to imitate, badly, a typical dad you may see in an 80's sitcom. Moss could potentially have some sort of mental disease like ADHD because he simply can't do anything about himself and the way he is, even though he understands about how socially awkward he is, which we see when he exclaims about how every time they, he and Roy, tried to do some social activity which was normal for many turned into a disaster.

Roy has a different problem to Moss. He doesn't suffer from any mental diseases or is he as not understanding when it comes to talking to people, however he is an old teenager who is too afraid to change and suit his role as a fully blown adult. He is very uncomfortable with himself, to such an extent that he was even doubting his sexuality when he and Moss sat on Jen's tail when they were invited to the theater which, as they didn't know, was running a gay musical. We also see that he's an old teenager by the way he dresses; a t-shirt with a game or movie reference, some pretty worn out jeans and All-Stars. His actions also show that because in the IT office he usually reads a comic whilst having his feet on the desk; which is filled with toys like a Rubik's cube, rubber ducklings and other things which a grown up man would never have at his workplace, like the hazard tape glued to his desk!

Jen is absolutely inept with technology, however out of the trio she's the most comfortable in a social situation, even though her 'colleagues' usually make it very difficult for her, for example when Moss thought that a guy who wanted to go out with Jen was actually asking him to go to the theater. When the guy leaves, Jen is very disgruntled, because as she says "It could've been a date". However, her tone of voice isn't very enthusiastic, which shows that it's not the first time Moss and Roy prevented her from getting a guy and that even so she still cares for them, as she tries to comfort them when they are frightened by the gay men on stage.

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